MOBILISE GLOBALLY AND LOCALLY AGAINST DRUG COMPANY POWER! PRODUCE GENERIC ANTI-RETROVIRALS! INCREASE HEALTH AND WELFARE SPENDING! 2001 promises to be one of the most critical years for access to HIV/AIDS treatments. In South Africa, the year will witness attempts by multinational drug companies to take the South African government to court for trying to make medicines affordable for all people. TAC will continue its Christopher Moraka Defiance Campaign against Unjust Trade Laws and Patent Abuse. TAC will demand that the government increase its health-care and welfare budgets substantially to deal effectively with HIV/AIDS. On 15 & 16 January 2001, the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) held its national executive meeting in Khayelitsha Cape Town. This meeting adopted a programme of action for 2001. This release focusses only on immediate actions. MOBLISE LOCAL AND GLOBAL ACTION AGAINST DRUG COMPANIES The drug companies - Glaxo SmithKline, Bristol-Meyer Squibb, Boehringer Ingelheim, Merck, Abbott and many others - will try to stop the South African governments attempt to make medicines affordable to all its people. The law passed by the country’s first democratic Parliament under the leadership of former President Mandela is now under attack. TAC calls on all people to oppose the drug companies and to support the legislation. March and Interfaith Service 12 February 2001 On 12 February 2001, TAC will hold an inter-faith service in St. George’s Cathedral in Cape Town and a march to Parliament. The TAC March on Parliament will be held under the following slogans: Oppose Drug Company Action Against the Government, Treat HIV/AIDS and Produce Generic Anti-Retrovirals; and Increase the Health and Welfare Budgets to R33 billion per department. A memorandum will be handed over to the Minister of Trade and Industry, Minister of Finance, Minister of Health, Minister of Welfare and the Speaker of the Parliament. TAC will also call on the Democratic Alliance to condemn the actions by the drug companies and to support the production of generic anti-retrovirals. Global Action 5-12 March 2001 TAC calls on people in every country to mobilise against drug company profiteering on Monday 5 March 2001. On this day, the action by more than 40 multinational drug companies against the South African government will be heard in the Pretoria High Court. Millions of people will die from HIV/AIDS and other illnesses, if the drug companies succeed in their action. TAC specifically calls on our allies Médecins Sans Frontières, HealthGap Coalition, ACTSA and all the organisations who endorsed to Global March for HIV/AIDS Treatment Access to mobilise. A victory for the drug companies in this case will set back the struggle for access to essential medicines in all countries. TAC will mobilise actions against drug companies throughout the week 5-12 March 2001. TREATMENT CONGRESS AND PROVINCIAL TAC CONFERENCES TAC will hold three provincial conferences and a national Treatment Congress. Provincial Conferences will mobilise local actions and prepare for the national congress. From 18—21 March 2001, TAC will hold its national Treatment Congress in Johannesburg, Gauteng. The Treatment Congress will adopt a Treatment Charter and build a campaign to produce generic anti-retrovirals. TAC Gauteng will hold its Provincial Conference on 18/19 February 2001. TAC Kwa-Zulu Natal will hold its provincial conference on 24 February 2001 TAC Western Cape will hold its provincial conference on 24/25 February 2001 Individuals and organisations throughout South Africa are invited to participate in these events. For further information contact the TAC offices below. JHB: PO Box 31104, Braamfontein 2017. Tel: 011-403 0265 Facsimile: 011-403 2106 DURBAN: 717 Colonial Building, 330 West Street (off Mark’s Lane), Durban 4001. Tel:031-304 3673 Fax:031-304 9743 CAPE TOWN: Town One Properties, Sulami Drive, Site B, Khayelitsha. Tel: 021-364 5489 Email: Website: