All materials on this page that have been written and produced by TAC may be reproduced and distributed at no charge and without TAC's permission, so long as the original writers are acknowledged. If you choose to modify the original documents, it must be clearly indicated what your additions are and the original authors must still be acknowledged. Please note, however, that some documents have not been produced by TAC and this notice does not apply to them. TAC/ALP Expert Workshop
Setting the Context - Di McIntyre (Powerpoint Presentation)
Key issues in Private Healthcare - Alex van den Heever (Powerpoint Presentation)
Funding Public Healthcare - Allison Hickey (Powerpoint Presentation)
Social Health Insurance Policy direction - Brenda Khunoane (Powerpoint Presentation)
The National Health Bill - Duane Blaauw (Powerpoint Presentation)
Understanding Health Sector Transformation within South Africa's Constitutional Framework - Jonathan Berger (Powerpoint Presentation)
National Health Insurance - Neva Makgetla (Powerpoint Presentation)