Acturial Society of South Africa's ASSA 2000 AIDS model
This is the summary page of the results given by the Acturial Society of South Africa's ASSA 2000 AIDS model. The results give key indicators assuming that the epidemic is left to run its course without health interventions. Any serious modeling exercise requires making simplifying assumptions about an extremely complex environment. However, ASSA 2000 is the best model available on the extent and course of the South African epidemic. It has been meticulously researched by some of South Africa's most respected academics. It has a great advantage over its closest competitor, the Doyle model developed at Metropolitan Life, in that it is open-source and transparent. All its assumptions and calculations can be examined by other researchers.
This huge website, possibly the largest one dedicated to HIV, contains an enormous amount of information. It is updated very often; according to the site, every hour.
AIDS Consortium
Established in January 1992, the AIDS Consortium is a network of over 300 organisations, many community-based, and over 200 individuals (link to membership database). Although most of the membership is based in Gauteng, there are also members in other provinces.
AIDS Law Project The AIDS Law Project uses legal action to rectify human rights abuses against people with HIV. They are also TAC's lawyers. Both organisations work closely together.
A service of the US Department of Health and Human Services, AIDS Info provides information on treatment guidelines, AIDS drugs and vaccines and clinical trials, as well as an HIV/AIDS Education and Resource Centre.
AIDS Treatment News
This internationally recognized treatment newsletter is an excellent resource for persons living with HIV/AIDS who are looking for information on new therapies.
Beat It!
This site contains information on Beat It! a TV series being shown in South Africa, which focuses on HIV issues.
Children First
Children First is committed to presenting African perspectives on the situation of children in South Africa and Africa.
Consumer Project on Technology
The Consumer Project on Technology was started by Ralph Nader in 1995. The CPT focuses on intellectual property rights and health care, electronic commerce and competition policy.
Their webpage, South Africa and Access to Pharmaceutical Drugs, has information on the US/South Africa disputes over compulsory licensing and parallel imports. This is one of the best sources of information for researchers.
Of particular interest is this timeline of US trade pressures against South Africa since the Medicines and Related Substances Control Act was introduced.
Gay Men's Health Crisis
The US-based Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC) is a not-for-profit, volunteer-supported and community-based organization committed to national leadership in the fight against AIDS.
Global Campaign for Microbicides
Website advocating for increased research into microbicides.
This is an online South African health-care news agency. Their news service is kept up-to-date, with an emphasis on HIV related articles.
Health Global Access Project Coalition
Campaigns for corporations, governments and international institutions to take concrete steps to dismantle the barriers to treatment access caused by exorbitant pricing, abuse of patent privileges and unfair trade regulations.
Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders)
MSF are committed to providing medical aid wherever it is needed and raising awareness of the plight of the people they help. They are the winners of the 1999 Nobel peace prize. MSF work closely with TAC on treatment access issues. In particular, they run the South African pilot mother-to-child transmission prevention program in Khayalitsha, Cape Town.
NIH: Focus on the HIV-AIDS Connection
This excellent site contains extensive documentation demonstrating beyond any reasonable scientific doubt that HIV causes AIDS.
Panos Institute
The Panos Institute has recently published a superb booklet on HIV called "Beyond Our Means". Their site is definitely worth visiting.
The Pan-African Treatment Access Movement: PATAM is a social movement comprised of individuals and organisations dedicated to mobilizing communities, political leaders, and all sectors of society to ensure access to antiretroviral (ARV) treatment, as a fundamental part of comprehensive care for all people with HIV/AIDS in Africa.
Project Inform
Project Inform has been at the frontlines in the fight against HIV and AIDS since 1985-when reliable information about the disease and its treatment was nearly impossible to obtain. Project Inform is a US nonprofit, community based organization working to end the AIDS epidemic.
State of Denial
State of Denial is a landmark documentary film about Aids in South Africa, and the political response (or lack thereof) to it. The website outlines the film and links to featured organisations and individuals, including TAC.
The Legal Resources Centre
An independent, client-based, non-profit public interest law centre which uses the law as an instrument of justice. (The LRC acted on TAC's behalf during the mother-to-child transmission prevention case.)
Treatment Action Group
The Treatment Action Group is an HIV advocacy group based in the US. They are working closely with TAC to provide a series of workshops on treatment issues.
United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)
According to their website, "a United Nations group supporting an expanded response aimed at preventing the transmission of HIV, providing care and support, reducing the vulnerability of individuals and communities to HIV/AIDS, and alleviating the impact of the epidemic."