This is an archive of the Treatment Action Campaign's public documents from December 1998 until October 2008. I created this website because the TAC's website appears unmaintained and people were concerned that it
was becoming increasingly hard to find important documents.

The menu items have been slightly edited and a new stylesheet applied to the site. But none of the documents have been edited, not even for minor errors. The text appears on this site as obtained from the Internet Archive.

The period covered by the archive encompassed the campaign for HIV medicines, the civil disobedience campaigns, the Competition Commission complaints, the 2008 xenophobic violence and the PMTCT, Khayelitsha health workers and Matthias Rath court cases.

Newsletters, documents and statements in 2007

12 December: TAC Statement on the ANC National Conference and Leadership Election

Read the newsletter

29 November: Maternal health and prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT)

Read the newsletter

25 November: Western Cape Health Department receives an extra R332 million to improve service delivery

- TAC statement on the slow pace of justice in the Nandipha Makeke case
- TAC activists help achieve swift justice in rape case
- Annie Lennox launches website and releases music video aimed at HIV/AIDS in South Africa
Read the newsletter

9 November: Global march for TB education, prevention, treatment and cure

Read the newsletter

7 November: TAC Complaint to the Competition Commission against Merck and MSD

Read the newsletter

4 November: TAC Gauteng to march for better maternal health and PMTCT services in Ekurhuleni

Read the newsletter

2 November: Letter from Head of the Southern African HIV Clinicians Society to Sowetan Newspaper

Read the letter

24 October: Global call to action for the 38th Annual Union World Conference on Lung Health

- Research shows how to make antiretroviral programmes successful
- Memorandum handed to Eastern Cape Health Officials
- BBC Admits that “Guinea Pig Kids” is Misleading, Erroneous
Read the newsletter

23 October: Media Statement by the Minister of Health on the Condom Distribution Programme

Read the statement

17 October: Defend Media Freedom!

Read the newsletter

7 October: TAC letter to President Mbeki about Virodene

Read the newsletter

4 October: TAC lodges complaint against Christine Qunta

Read the newsletter

1 October: Poor PMTCT programme: ALP letter on behalf of TAC to Minister of Health

Read the Newsletter

26 September 2007: Unethical Promotion and Testing of Medicines on Humans

Read the newsletter

13 September 2007: TAC Limpopo and Mpumalanga will march to Mapulaneng Hospital

Read the newsletter

11 September 2007: A response to minister of health on mother to child transmission

Read the newsletter

10 September 2007: Letter sent by TAC to all members of the South African National AIDS Council (SANAC) ahead of tomorrow's meeting

Read the newsletter

6 September 2007:Mass Meeting: Work with Deputy-President Mlambo-Ngcuka - AIDS Law Project

Read the newsletter

29 August: Implement the National Strategic Plan!

Over 1,500 people gathered at St Georges Cathedral Cape Town to demand that the South African government implement the HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections National Strategic Plan for 2007-2011.

Here are video clips and photos from the event.

St Georges Cathedral 29 August 2007
Videos and photos are by Faizel Slamang and may be used free of charge without permission.

27 August 2007: Letter to President Mbeki demanding reasons for retaining Health Minister Tshabalala-Msimang

Read the newsletter

15 August 2007: Call to Action - Support Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge Demand the implementation of the National Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections

Read the newsletter

9 August 2007: President Mbeki: Do not dismiss Deputy-Minister Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge. Can our people trust you on HIV/AIDS?

Read the newsletter

8 August 2007: March against hate crimes and violence against women

Read the newsletter

29 July 2007: Mother-to-child transmission prevention: Government must improve the programme

Read the newsletter

25 July 2007: Defending Health Rights: the court case to restore health services in Khayelitsha

Read the newsletter

12 July 2007: AIDS and Human Rights Groups Urge Zambian Government to Address Demands of Striking Health Workers and Stop Arresting Activists

Read the newsletter

12 July 2007: TAC condemns hate murders

Read the newsletter

26 June 2007: Cape High Court makes important ruling on restoring health services in Khayelitsh

Read the newsletter

25 June 2007: TAC and the Coalition Against Public Health Cuts to hold mass community meeting in Khayelitsha

Read the newsletter

18 June 2007: TAC and patients with chronic conditions file urgent court application to reinstate dismissed health workers

Read the newsletter

12 June 2007: Letter by Achmat and Mthathi to Government Ministers on dismissal of health workers

Read the newsletter

3 June 2007: Statement on public service strike

Read the newsletter

TAC Women in Leadership

Equal Treatment November 2006 (Issue 21)

24 May 2007: TAC commends progress in national response to HIV/AIDS

Read the newsletter

15 May 2007: Defence Force discrimination, Constitutional Court extends rape definition, Medical privacy

Read the newsletter

04 May 2007: SANAC & Cabinet approve NSP. Equal Treatment May 2007 is available

Read the newsletter

Equal Treatment - 1 May 2007

- HPV Vaccine
- HIV Education
- National Strategic Plan
- And much more!

30 April 2007: National Strategic Plan adopted by SANAC

- Costing Annexure

Newsletter - 26 April: TAC & SAMA v Rath & State

- Tenofovir registered

Read the Newsletter

17 April 2007: ALP submission to Human Rights Commission enquiry into access to health care services -


- Annexure 1

- Annexure 2

- Annexure 3

Newsletter - 15 April 2007: Circumcision and HIV

Read the newsletter

11 April 2007: ALP submission on international benchmarking

11 April 2007: March to the Third Session of the African Union Conference of Ministers of Health in Johannesburg

Read the newsletter

04 April 2007: Constitutional Court Judgment: NM, SM and LH v. Patricia De Lille, Charlene Smith and New Africa Books

Read the newsletter

01 April 2007: Message of condolence to Minister Jeff Radebe and the family of Ian Phillips

- A report on the NUM strike at Impala Mines

- Challenge by people living with HIV to Criselda Kananda

Read the newsletter

16 March 2007: Call to march by the Save Zimbabwe Campaign Coalition Letter by Achmat and Geffen on Zimbabwe

Read the newsletter

5 March 2007: Draft HIV and STI National Strategic Plan (Word document)

Read document

12 March 2007: Acting Health Minister meets with TAC

Read statement

09 March 2007: TAC joins ARASA in condemning AIDS denialism in Zambia

Read the newsletter

05 March 2007: TAC to hold imbizos for National Strategic Plan

Read the newsletter

01 March 2007: Statement by Coalition Against Fraudulent Claims about Medicines

Read the statement

27 February 2007: TAC statement on the appointment of Jeff Radebe as Acting Minister of Health

Read the newsletter

23 January 2007: A paper on AIDS and pseudo-science in the media

Read document

21 February 2007: TAC mobilises over tenofovir

Also in this newsletter
- Tenofovir Campaign details and memo
- Response to City Press poor reporting on microbicide trial

Read the newsletter

20 February 2007: Medicines Control Council must stop dragging its heels on life-saving drugs

Read the article

15 February 2007: Joint TAC/MSF statement: Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu calls on Novartis to drop Indian court case

Also in this newsletter
- Church leaders call on Novartis to drop Indian court case

Read the newsletter

07 February 2007: TAC comment on the termination of Ushercell microbicide trial

Also in this newsletter
- a community story told to TAC trainee journalist Nokulanga April by Alfreda Brinkhuis.

Read the newsletter

06 February 2007: Campaign for tenofovir to be registered

Also in this newsletter
- TB and social grants: Some interviews conducted by Sylvia Flynn, a TAC trainee journalist.

Read the newsletter

25 January 2007: TAC's letter Re: Novartis' challenge to India's public health safeguards

Read document

24 January 2007: Stop Novartis's attempt to block Indian generic medicines

Read the newsletter

12 January 2007: TAC refuses to be distracted by Anthony Brink's lunacy

Read statement

October 2006 - April 2007: TAC Campaign to change government HIV policy. Read Our Petition

Read Our Petition