TAC ANNOUNCEMENT: Defiance Campaign's First Legal Shipment of Fluconazole Arrives! Support TAC! Dear All Morne Visser, a TAC supporter and actor will arrive at Cape Town International at 8:50am on Saturday 13 January 2001. He will be bringing in a legal shipment of generic fluconazole and declaring it at customs. TAC is continuing its Defiance Campaign Against Unjust Patent Laws. The generic fluconazole, Biozole, has been declared safe for use and Brooklyn Medical Centre has fulfilled all its requirements for a section 21 exemption. Pfizer promised to deliver medicines and not a single pill has reached people with HIV/AIDS. Please let's try to get as many people to greet him at the airport as possible and to stop any further bureaucratic obstacles from denying people life-saving medicines. Spread the news. Regards Zackie Achmat