TAC PRESS RELEASE: 18 September 2001 TAC to Submit Report to Open Parliamentary Hearing on 19 September 2001 Media and members of the public are encouraged to attend. The Joint Monitoring Committee on the Improvement of the Quality of Life and Status of Women has invited the Treatment Action Campaign to make submissions at a public hearing at Parliament on 19 September 2001. The title of the public hearing is: "How best can South Africa address the impact of HIV/AIDS on women and girls?" The programme starts at 9:00 in the Rain Forest Room, 120 Plein Street, Cape Town, and will continue until 13:00. TAC is scheduled to make its submission from 10:30 - 11:00, though a fair amount of leeway should be expected on this time. Women are disproportionately affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. TAC's submissions will examine the causes and extent of this and what South African society, particularly the state, but also the private sector and all citizens, need to do to combat the epidemic in women. Summary of Information Date: 19 September 2001 Time: 9:00 - 13:00 (TAC sumbmission scheduled for 10:00am) Venue: Rain Forest Room, 120 Plein Street, Cape Town (Parliament) Title: How best can South Africa address the impact of HIV/AIDS on women and girls Further Information: Nonkosi Khumalo, 082 487 2497 (TAC Executive Secretary) Suné Pauw, 021-403 3768 (Parliamentary Committee Clerk)