9 DECEMBER 2002 TAC LODGES COMPLAINT WITH HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION and CALLS FOR INVESTIGATION INTO CONTEMPT OF COURT BY MPUMALANGA MEC FOR HEALTH On 2 December 2002 the Treatment Action Campaign lodged a complaint with the Human Rights Commission (HRC). The complaint is against the MEC for health in Mpumalanga, Sibongele Manana; the Mpumalanga health department; the Mpumalanga provincial government and the Minister of Health, Dr Manto Tshabala-Msimang. The complaint is based on an investigation by the TAC, which revealed contempt of the Constitutional Court order in the mother-to-child transmission prevetion case that was made in July 2002. The Constitutional Court ruled that nevirapine must be provided "without delay" to patients beyond the designated pilot sites where it is medically indicated. It obliges government and the provincial health department to "remove all restrictions" in the provision of nevirapine. The TAC investigation shows that even though many superintendents and medical doctors have indicated that they are ready to prescribe nevirapine, they have been prevented from doing so. We have placed before the HRC correspondence and press statements, which, we believe, demonstrate conclusively that that the MEC has lied, as well as misrepresented the situation and contradicted herself. This points to the need for an urgent investigation of what is actually happening on the ground. The TAC has also submitted evidence of corruption and misadministration in the Mpumalanga health department. We have asked the HRC to investigate this further. The TAC has requested that the HRC: * conduct its investigation urgently, * send field investigators into Mpumalanga to establish which hospitals and clinics have been prevented from prescribing nevirapine, * use its powers of subpoena to interview and question health officials in Mpumalanga including the MEC for health and the Minister of health and * investigate the role that the Minister of health has played in allowing the situation in Mpumalanga to worsen to the extent that there is open defiance of the court order. If TAC's allegations of contempt of court are found to be correct, then we believe that the Minister and the MEC must be held responsible for the thousands of babies being born with HIV in Mpumalanga, when complying with the Court order could have prevented these infections. TAC is still considering the possibility of legal proceedings against the MEC for acting in contempt of a court order. We trust that the HRC will act independently and speedily. Urgency and a commitment to human rights will save lives. We await their findings. The full complaint is available on the TAC web-site www.tac.org.za (by 16:00, 9 December) or upon request from info@tac.org.za. For more information please contact Fatima Hassan on 011 717 8600 or 072 419 6008.