17 July 2002 What is Happening to KZN's Global Fund Money? The Treatment Action Campaign is very concerned at the turn of events related to the Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria allocation to Kwazulu-Natal. The Minister of Health's handling of this debacle is seriously damaging. The Global Fund approved a proposal made by the University of Natal, the KZN Department of Health, the Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the National Association of People With AIDS and various other institutions and NGOs based in KZN. The proposal includes a range of health interventions related to HIV including prevention and treatment programmes. KZN has the highest HIV prevalence rate in South Africa and is one of the worst-hit regions in the world. There is a desperate need to establish pilot antiretroviral programmes in the province, as specified in the proposal. It would be a tragedy and a threat to South Africa's future applications to the Global Fund if this proposal (approximately R600m over 5 years) had to be scuttled. We wish the Minister of Health to address the following questions * Can she confirm that the funds will be spent on prevention AND treatment programmes, including antiretroviral therapy, as specified in the original proposal accepted by the Global Fund administrators? * Can she confirm that the reallocation of funds has been approved by the Global Fund administrators? The Minister of Health's position is clearly influenced by an HIV denialist agenda that is opposed to antiretroviral treatment on pseudo-scientific grounds.