28 FEBRUARY 2002 DEMONSTRATION AND NEW COURT HEARING ON ACCESS TO NEVIRAPINE, PRETORIA HIGH COURT, 9 a.m., FRIDAY 1 MARCH 2002 Tomorrow, TAC activists will demonstrate outside the Pretoria High Court to draw attention to the continued refusal of the Minister of Health to supply Nevirapine to health facilities where doctors and nurses say there is capacity to counsel, test for HIV and prescribe the drug properly. This intransigence costs lives. During the demonstration, the High Court will be hearing: * the government's application for leave to appeal and * TAC's new application asking Judge Botha to order that part of his original judgment be carried out before the appeal is heard by the Con Court. TAC says the consequence of a delay in the Judge?s original order to supply Nevirapine will cause irreparable harm to those infants infected with HIV and their parents. Since Judge Botha handed down his judgment many things have happened confirming the justice of TAC's cause and court action. The latest is the HST report recommending that government develop a credible plan and that Nevirapine can and should be provided immediately to all pregnant women who are known to be HIV positive, with appropriate counseling and information. This recommendation is all that TAC is asking the Court to enforce. TAC sincerely wishes that the chapter of conflict over MTCT could be closed. We want to support the government in a national mobilization to save lives and to make this programme a success. Now is the time. For further details, contact: Pholokgolo Ramothwala: 011 403 7021