This is an archive of the Treatment Action Campaign's public documents from December 1998 until October 2008. I created this website because the TAC's website appears unmaintained and people were concerned that it
was becoming increasingly hard to find important documents.

The menu items have been slightly edited and a new stylesheet applied to the site. But none of the documents have been edited, not even for minor errors. The text appears on this site as obtained from the Internet Archive.

The period covered by the archive encompassed the campaign for HIV medicines, the civil disobedience campaigns, the Competition Commission complaints, the 2008 xenophobic violence and the PMTCT, Khayelitsha health workers and Matthias Rath court cases.

Ordering Information

TAC Items for Sale

The following items are being sold to raise funds for the TAC Treatment Project (TP) and to generate awareness and support for the TAC. 100% of proceeds go to the TAC TP, which provides comprehensive treatment to TAC activists and community members living with HIV/AIDS.

TAC “HIV Positive” T-shirts
The eye-catching T-shirts proudly worn by TAC activists and supporters at marches, rallies, on the job and across the country have served to counter stigma associated with HIV while spreading the message that we can address HIV in a positive manner and that, most importantly, we are all “HIV positive” and affected by HIV.

The shirt design currently for sale was printed for the 14 February 2003 “Stand up for our Lives” March for HIV/AIDS treatment. The shirt's front says “HIV Positive, issued by the Treatment Action Campaign” in purple lettering, and the reverse portrays Nelson Mandela in his own “HIV Positive” shirt.

Sizes available: S, M, L, XL, XXL
Price: R50 in South Africa, USD$15 international
(all prices include shipping)

“Jikilele Global Treatment” CD
by The Generics, TAC’s Choir

“Jikelele” is a production of TAC volunteers in South Africa. Our volunteers have been the backbone of TAC efforts to get affordable quality treatment, including anti-retrovirals, to people living with HIV/AIDS around the world. They have spontaneously adapted the songs that united us in the struggle against apartheid to the new struggle against government neglect and corporate greed. The songs touch on all the main issues surrounding the disease: people are dying, medication is at hand, the treatment struggle must be globalised. The songs also speak of hope and personal responsibility and mourn fallen comrades such as Simon Nkoli, Christopher Moraka, Nkosi Johnson, Gugu Dlamini, Queenie Qiza and many others.

Price: R70 in South Africa, USD$17 international
(all prices include shipping)

TAC Video
Price: USD$20 international

Beat-it Video Series
Price: USD$50 international

How to Purchase:
Payments can be made by credit card here. For domestic customers using the Paygate option, please send an email to with your postal address and product information (e.g. item, size, number). For international customers using the Network for Good/SADF option, please forward your confirmation email to with your postal address and product information.

Within South Africa, purchases can also be made by contacting and stopping by our Muizenberg, Cape Town office. We can be reached at 021 788 3507.
