All materials on this page that have been written and produced by TAC may be reproduced and distributed at no charge and without TAC's permission, so long as the original writers are acknowledged. If you choose to modify the original documents, it must be clearly indicated what your additions are and the original authors must still be acknowledged. Please note, however, that some documents have not been produced by TAC and this notice does not apply to them.
Equal Treatment: The TAC Newsletter
March 2006 Issue 19 (PDF format - 3.3MB) **
Copyright notes
Equal Treatment March 2006 (issue 19) may be reproduced without
permission except for the following portions which are copyrighted by
external parties:
- The three-dimensional image of HIV.
- Zapiro Cartoons. Write to Zapiro for permission to use.
All other materials in the magazine may be reproduced without
requesting permission.
December 2005 Issue 18 (PDF format - 2.0MB) ** Errata
- The quote attributed to Sister Du Preez on page 12 contains an error.
It should be read so as if the sentence "It is also necessary to end
political party conflicts which often lead to failure of community
involvement in the clinic." does not appear in it. This erroneously
attributed statement was included as a result of a misunderstanding
between Du Preez and the journalist who interviewed him. We apologise
for any inconvenience caused to Sister Du Preez.
- The photo caption on page 24 is inaccurate. PEPFAR funds are not
subject to the US government's Global Gag policy which prevents the
funding of organisations promoting the interests of sex workers and/or
the right to abortion. We apologise to our readers and PEPFAR for this
error. Please note that some other sources of US government funding are
subject to the Global Gag.
Copyright notes
Equal Treatment December 2005 (issue 18) may be reproduced without
permission except for the following portions which are copyrighted by
external parties:
- ZipZap Circus photographs were taken by Eric Miller and belong to
Medecins Sans Frontiers. Phone +27 21 364 5490 for permission to use.
- The photo by Eric Miller on page 16 is copyrighted by Eric
Miller/iAfrika photos.
- The cartoon on page 19 is copyrighted by James Francis
- The photographs on page 21 of Zwelinzima Vavi and Cheryl Carolus were
found using and were used without requesting
- The cartoon on page 32 is copyrighted by John Fewings (
All other materials in the magazine may be reproduced without
October 2005 Issue (PDF format - 1.0MB) ** ** note: The following items are copyright protected, but reprinted with
permission: photo of TB bacteria by (c) National Institutes of Health;
the photo of a single TB bacterium by (c) Dr. Kathleen McDonough,
Wadsworth Center/NYS Dept of Health, and Dr. Yvonne Kress, Albert
Einstein College of Medicine; photo of technicians examining sputum
sample and a photo of a TB symptoms poster by (c) WHO, TDR, and Andy
Crump; photo of a Ugandan condom poster by (c) Bob Jones.
Also note that the photo of Uganda's Health Minister, Jim Muhwezi was
used without permission from Government of Uganda's website. The photo
of George W. Bush was also used without permission from the US
Government's website. The condom promotion ad was also used without
permission from a document of the Brazilian Government. The photo of
the abstinence poster was also used without permission from the BBC.
July 2005 Issue (PDF format - 1.9MB) *
* note: The following items are copyright protected, but reprinted with permission: the front cover picture by (c) Nadine Hutton; the Toles cartoon by (c) 2003 Washington Post. Also note that the photo of Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was used without permission from
May 2005 Issue (PDF format - 625KB)
October 2004 Issue (1.6MB, zipped file containing 4 PDF files)
October 2001 Issue (Zipped pdf format -- 4438Kb)
March 2001 Issue (pdf format-- 1236Kb)
Feb 2001 Issue (pdfformat -- 764Kb)