This is an archive of the Treatment Action Campaign's public documents from December 1998 until October 2008. I created this website because the TAC's website appears unmaintained and people were concerned that it
was becoming increasingly hard to find important documents.

The menu items have been slightly edited and a new stylesheet applied to the site. But none of the documents have been edited, not even for minor errors. The text appears on this site as obtained from the Internet Archive.

The period covered by the archive encompassed the campaign for HIV medicines, the civil disobedience campaigns, the Competition Commission complaints, the 2008 xenophobic violence and the PMTCT, Khayelitsha health workers and Matthias Rath court cases.

This is an archive of the Treatment Action Campaign's public documents from December 1998 until October
2008. I created this website because the TAC's website appears unmaintained and people were concerned that it
was becoming increasingly hard to find important documents.

None of the documents have been edited, not even for minor errors. The text appears on this site as obtained from the Internet Archive.

The period covered by the archive is generally recognised as the most important part of the TAC's history, encompassing the campaign for HIV
medicines, the PMTCT, Khayelitsha health workers and Matthias Rath court cases.

Treatment Action Campaign - Campaigning for the rights of people with HIV/AIDS!

Refugees, TAC members and people from other organisations protest at the Cape Town Civic Centre on 12 June 2008

Plea by Andrew Feinstein to Mayor Helen Zille

I watched from a distance as the xenophobic violence unfolded in South Africa. At first, I was ashamed - Is this what our young democracy has become? My shame evolved to anger as the utter lack of leadership and inadequate government response further exacerbated the situation. However, amid these feelings of disgust, I also felt pride and admiration towards those proactive organizations who worked to alleviate the suffering of displaced peoples. The Jewish community and TAC paid for a group of around 140 refugees to stay at the train lodge until yesterday, when they ran out of funds. The mosque on Tennyson Street opened its doors to more than 180 refugees. Old TAC offices have been converted to refugee camps, and hundreds are staying in Methodist Churches around the city.

Caledon Square Group of Refugees have no shelter from today

As of today, TAC and the Cape Town Jewish Community are unable to continue raising money to pay for the accommodation of the group known as the Caledon Square refugees (because they originally spent 3 days sleeping outside Caledon Square Police Station). This is after all the responsibility of the state not civil society or private individuals. The city has refused to open civic or community centres to shelter them, even though there are many that would be suitable in the Central Business District and its surrounding suburbs.

Shattered Myths: The xenophobic violence in South Africa

On Thursday 22 May, Cape Town changed forever. The xenophobic violence that started 1,200 kilometres away in Gauteng spread to Du Noon township. On Friday the TAC offices began to get reports of violence on trains and Somali shops being looted. The details were scanty, but by Friday evening the consequences became visible even in the affluent city centre. About 150 people sought refuge outside Caledon Square, the city's main police station. Hundreds more gathered at the central train station so they could catch a train to Johannesburg in the morning and then leave the country.

Cape High Court interdicts Matthias Rath and orders Government to investigate him and stop breaches of the Medicines Act

Today the Cape High Court handed down a landmark judgment in a court action initiated by TAC and the South African Medical Association (SAMA) against Matthias Rath and the Government of South Africa. The case was originally heard before the Court on 12-14 March 2008.

Civic Centre Liveblog

One day later, 13 June, 17:20 About 100 of the Caledon Square Group continue to sit in. They are being supported by about 25 TAC members. The city and province met for hours yesterday and again today, yet there is still no decision on what to do. It's quite absurd. From Sunday morning, the the whole Caledon Square Group has absolutely nowhere to go. --Nathan Geffen

18:20 I have now left the Civic Centre, but will try to provide further updates if their are any development regarding the continuing occupation of the building. --EG

17:42 It is a scandal that the Province and City could not establish a joint task team until now. After four hours of meetings, they have not even been able to open a single hall or offer the comrades from the Caledon Square Group accommodation. Therefore, the Caledon Square Group will stay here and spend the night in the Civic Centre. A group of TAC comrades will stay with them. Hopefully we will be able to bring food and blankets for the comrades who stay. It is truly shameful that the City and Province cannot do better than this. --EG

17:19 This is what Smit says:

  • The City and Province have set up a joint task team — they are to have a workshop tomorrow to figure out a way forward;
  • The issues are complex and they ask our patience and to allow them time to address them;
  • On our other demands, they promise to address them tomorrow in the meetings of the new task team (his point is that the problem is a long-term one and there won't be any immediate solutions);
  • They ask us to leave the building and, while they won't force us out, they will lock the doors for the night. (Are they seriously threatening to incarcerate us in the building without arresting us?). --Eduard Grebe

Protest at Cape Town Civic Centre: TAC's Demands

  1. We demand that the all available places of shelter, including all those under control of both Province and City, are immediately opened. This includes Sea Point Civic Centre, Salt River Railway Institute, Woodstock Community Hall, Muizenberg Civic Centre, schools that are not in use and other government facilities.  
  2. We demand immediate closure of camps. The camps are a serious health risk, have inadequate shelter and prevent people from going to work and school. People should be moved, on a voluntary basis, to safe community places, including the places mentioned above.
  3. We support reintegration back into communities, people who want to be repatriated to their country of origin or resettled to a third country.
  4. We demand that the UNHCR come in and assist with reintegration, repatriation and resettlement as they are obligated and mandated to.
  5. We demand that the City and the Province establish a joint task team including the mayor, the premier and civil society to address the above demands.


Protest at the Civic Centre

TAC Members
Date of Event: 
Refugee protesting at the Civic Centre
Refugees protesting at the Civic Centre
Refugees protesting at the Civic Centre

Caledon Group's Memorandum to Mayor and Premier


The Caledon Square Group is concerned, deeply concerned, about the strategies put in place by the City of Cape Town over the decision made by the Cape High Court concerning the Premier of the Western Cape’s application to open and accommodate refugees temporarily in all civic centres around the city.  

Caledon Square refugees running out of shelter: Mayor's response is callous and racist

Caledon Square refugees running out of shelter: Mayor's response is callous and racist

  • Plea to Mayor Helen Zille and other state authorities: Open community centres for displaced people including:
    • Sea Point Civic Centre, Good Hope Centre,  Cape Town Civic Centre or similar for the 170 people making up the Caledon Square Group;
    • Woodstock Community Hall, Salt River Railway Institute or similar for over 100 people staying at the Tennyson Street Mosque;
    • Muizenberg Civic Centre or similar for the 50 people staying at the old TAC office at 34 Main Road.
  • Mayor is refusing to open community halls in white areas.


Workshop: Take action against xenophobia

How can you respond to the xenophobia crisis?

The Treatment Action Campaign invites you to come to a workshop explaining how you can take action against xenophobia. It will take place on Monday 16th June 2:30 - 4:30.

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