This is an archive of the Treatment Action Campaign's public documents from December 1998 until October 2008. I created this website because the TAC's website appears unmaintained and people were concerned that it
was becoming increasingly hard to find important documents.

The menu items have been slightly edited and a new stylesheet applied to the site. But none of the documents have been edited, not even for minor errors. The text appears on this site as obtained from the Internet Archive.

The period covered by the archive encompassed the campaign for HIV medicines, the civil disobedience campaigns, the Competition Commission complaints, the 2008 xenophobic violence and the PMTCT, Khayelitsha health workers and Matthias Rath court cases.

Community Stories

Here you can find articles about health and HIV in Africa. You too can write articles by registering as a user. We particularly welcome articles about activism, health and HIV in your local community, as well as personal stories. Although the articles and their comments are moderated, they are not necessarily TAC-related articles nor are they necessarily written by TAC members. Opinions and facts expressed in these articles are not those of TAC.

Lusikisiki releases it first district newsletter

TAC Lusikisiki has launched the first edition of "Izwi Labantu" (Voice of the People), its quarterly district newsletter.

The publication is edited by Tandeka Vinjwa, a Media Literacy Practitioner at TAC's Lusikisiki office.

This edition focuses primarily on rape and gender-based violence to coincide with the District's June GBV campaign, but it also features articles on cervical cancer, child-headed households as well as an update on TAC's new campaign in Canzibe.

Shattered Myths: The xenophobic violence in South Africa

On Thursday 22 May, Cape Town changed forever. The xenophobic violence that started 1,200 kilometres away in Gauteng spread to Du Noon township. On Friday the TAC offices began to get reports of violence on trains and Somali shops being looted. The details were scanty, but by Friday evening the consequences became visible even in the affluent city centre. About 150 people sought refuge outside Caledon Square, the city's main police station. Hundreds more gathered at the central train station so they could catch a train to Johannesburg in the morning and then leave the country.

Violence against women: Hate Crime, murder of Lesbian Eudy Simelane,Banyana Banyana midfilder

Hate Crime: The murder of Eudy Simelane 31-year-old Eudy Simelane former Banyana Banyana midfielder was gang raped and stabbed to death, last week Monday 28th of April 2007. Her body was laid to rest last week Sunday 4th of May. She was murdered in KwaTema, Ekurhuleni east of Johannesburg, returning home with friends from a tavern. She was confronted by a gang who allegedly gang raped and repeatedly stabbed her to death. Her half-naked body was found in a field near the hostel KwaThema last Tuesday.

TAC Ekurhuleni Releases its District Newsletter

TAC Ekurhuleni Releases its first District Newsletter.

WC PSP Metropole meeting

Yesterday on the 7 March'08 we(TAC reps from each sub district in metro) attended the WC NACOSA PSP meeting with some reps from the DOH & ALN.
The meeting was attended by about 80 people which does not represent all the departments, NGOs, sectors and structures within the metro. On Tuesday we had a meeting to strategise around the way they do the meeting and to go their to tell them that this is not consultation and plans should come from districts first before they can make a draft.


South Africa has a very progressive and democratic constitution but disturbingly so it's only on paper in reality it's the opposite. The judicial system is failing people of this country badly. It's almost 3 years since Nandipha's death, she was raped and murdered on the 15 December 2005, since her rape and murder the trial of her alleged murderers has still not finished!! How hard is it for the prosecutor to proceed with charging one of the accused who confessed?

More than just my life was saved

When a woman is pregnant she hopes for a healthy baby that she can take care of until that child becomes an adult. In 1998 I became pregnant with my first child. I was only 18 years old and I had just started dating and had sex for the first time. During my pregnancy my doctor asked to take some bloods for testing and I agreed. He just told me that he would be testing for infections that might affect the baby and he never explained to me what type of infection he would be checking for.

Nkhensani Mavasa explains why she had an HIV test

 Nkhensani Mavasa, TAC's deputy-chairperson, tells her story to Sylvia Jacobs, a TAC trainee journalist

Photo of Nkhensani MavasaMy name is Nkhensani Mavasa from a village in Limpopo Province, South Africa.

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