This is an archive of the Treatment Action Campaign's public documents from
December 1998 until October 2008. I created this website because the TAC's
website appears unmaintained and people were concerned that it
was becoming
increasingly hard to find important documents.
The menu items have
been slightly edited and a new stylesheet applied to the site. But none of the
documents have been edited, not even for minor errors. The text appears on this
site as obtained from the Internet Archive.
The period covered by
the archive encompassed the campaign for HIV medicines, the civil disobedience
campaigns, the Competition Commission complaints, the 2008 xenophobic violence
and the PMTCT, Khayelitsha health workers and Matthias Rath court cases.
South Africa has a very progressive and democratic constitution but disturbingly so it's only on paper in reality it's the opposite. The judicial system is failing people of this country badly. It's almost 3 years since Nandipha's death, she was raped and murdered on the 15 December 2005, since her rape and murder the trial of her alleged murderers has still not finished!! How hard is it for the prosecutor to proceed with charging one of the accused who confessed?
It's been reported that the case of Nandipha Makeke has been postponed 17 times, meanwhile the perpetrators remain in custody. Having TAC Provincial Congress on the same day of the trial had a major blow, only a handful crowd wearing HIV POSITIVE T-shirt were inside the court room.
The state called its witness Magistrate Johan Lootze to give testimony and confirm that one of the accused made a confession at the magistrate court in Mitchell's Plain. Magistrate Johan also confirmed that the accused was in his right state of mind, he wasn't drugged or beaten. He told the court that only him, the accused and Mr Welile Mthembeka were the only people present when the accused made the confession.Mr Welile was translating what was said in English to isiXhosa and vice-versa. The defendant attorney argued that the confession was made after police forced and assaulted his client.
It became too much for the victim's father Mr Makeke to listen,he walked out the court room and stood outside throughout the proceedings. He's hurting deeply! that's the expression I got when he asked me a questions that I do not have an answer to. "Why did the accused kill his daughter? Why? What was the motive to kill her after raping her?" asked Mr Makeke.
The case has been postponed to the 27th February 08, because one witness didn't attend the hearing.
When will Makeke's Family find peace? Has her spirit found peace?
Nandipha Makeke's Court Case will resume on the 31st March 2008
About 100 TAC members stood outside the Khayelitsha Magistrate Court on the 17th March 08 to give support to the family of Nandipha Makeke. Two of the 4 accused were released from the case due to insufficient evidence against them, but they remain in police custody to account for other rape cases and murders. Thembinkosi Tukani told the court that he wasn't aware that semen from his co-accuse was found of the victim, he only heard about that in court.
On the 18 March the court heard accused no :3 saying that accused no 1 was lying when he said that they've discussed and prepared possible questions to be asked in court by the prosecutor. While being questioned by the prosecutor the was power failure and the case was adjourned until the 31 March 08.
latest update on the Nandipha Makeke's court case
Apparently accused no 4 Yanga Janet was released on the 18th March and was seen at Endlovini on the 21st March a day after Good Friday. Comrades who saw him went to the police station to enquire about his release because there's a case against him for shooting one comrade of Harare branch in Khayelitsha.
Comrade X would like to remain anonymous due to safety sake, he was shot while walking with fellow comrades discussing the incident. Yanga confronted them, asked if they had something to say, with no notice he shot at them and a bullet shot through Comrade X back.
Comrade X feels bad with the release of the accuse from police holdings because members at Harare branch are scared to attend meetings. Yanga Janet has made threats against TAC members who've been attending the court case.
you just dont know who to trust
mycomment is just that, in this country we still have a long way to learn and even the police is so corrupt. if they release guilty individuals what do they expect to happen?,if there is going to be revenge we know that it would turn into a war between the involved parties,something has to be done in this coutry before it is too late.