This is an archive of the Treatment Action Campaign's public documents from December 1998 until October 2008. I created this website because the TAC's website appears unmaintained and people were concerned that it
was becoming increasingly hard to find important documents.

The menu items have been slightly edited and a new stylesheet applied to the site. But none of the documents have been edited, not even for minor errors. The text appears on this site as obtained from the Internet Archive.

The period covered by the archive encompassed the campaign for HIV medicines, the civil disobedience campaigns, the Competition Commission complaints, the 2008 xenophobic violence and the PMTCT, Khayelitsha health workers and Matthias Rath court cases.

Uncategorised Documents

All materials on this page that have been written and produced by TAC may be reproduced and distributed at no charge and without TAC's permission, so long as the original writers are acknowledged. If you choose to modify the original documents, it must be clearly indicated what your additions are and the original authors must still be acknowledged. Please note, however, that some documents have not been produced by TAC and this notice does not apply to them.

Civil Society Analysis of SA Government Millenium Development Goals Country Report, 21 September 2005
(Word Document)

TAC Third National Congress, Cape Town, 23-25 September 2005 - Congress Documentation (Word Document)

Letter to NEDLAC 24 October 2002 (Word Document)

Transcript (Word Document) of Zackie Achmat's Barcelona speech (which was delivered via video)

Article: A Paper Dog with Real Teeth, Geoff Budlender, Mail & Guardian 12 July 2002. The TAC case proves that the Constitution is a powerful people's tool. (Text Document)

Memorandum to Deputy President Zuma and others handed over in Johannesburg at Mother-to-Child Transmission Constitutional Court Case. (Word Document) (Text Document)

TAC Constitution (RTF format)

Overview of TAC (A History of TAC) (PDF format)
Issued by TAC, March 2001

Drug Company Profits in 2000
Report Issued by Families USA

Some events that took place around the world on the International Day of Action against Pharmaceutical Company Profiteering

Advert Placed in Business Day Demanding Drug Company Withdrawal From Court Case (JPEG -- 738Kb)
Issued by TAC, March 2001 

Report on the Global March for Treatment Access
Written by Richard Pithouse , July , 2000 

Harvey Bale's letter refusing to accept the memorandum at the Global March for Treatment Access
Issued by TAC and Health-GAP,6 July 2000 

TAC Fundraising Document (MS Word Format)
Issued by TAC, 9 June 2000 

Letter sent to Pfizer by TAC
Issued by TAC, 20 June 2000 

Invitation to MSF/TAC Conference, 9 July 2000 in Durban (RTF format)
Issued by the Treatment Action Campaign and Doctors Without Borders, 24 May 2000 

Pfizer's response to TAC's call for the price of Fluconazole to be reduced
March 31, 2000 

What's behind Mbeki's crusade?
Mail &Guardian editorial, 31 March 2000 

TAC campaign for a price reduction on Fluconazole/Diflucan successfully launched!
Issued by the Treatment Action Campaign, March, 2000 

Update on the TAC's work in 1999.
Issued by the Treatment Action Campaign, December 1999 

Minister of Health calls for public mobilization to make HIV/AIDS treatments affordable for all. 
Issued by the Treatment Action Campaign and Health Minister, 30 April 1999 

Q&A on the Competition Commission case