This is an archive of the Treatment Action Campaign's public documents from December 1998 until October 2008. I created this website because the TAC's website appears unmaintained and people were concerned that it
was becoming increasingly hard to find important documents.

The menu items have been slightly edited and a new stylesheet applied to the site. But none of the documents have been edited, not even for minor errors. The text appears on this site as obtained from the Internet Archive.

The period covered by the archive encompassed the campaign for HIV medicines, the civil disobedience campaigns, the Competition Commission complaints, the 2008 xenophobic violence and the PMTCT, Khayelitsha health workers and Matthias Rath court cases.

The Cape refugee emergency – where and how to help

Various organisations and individuals are working very hard to assist refugees and immigrants in the Western Cape. If you'd like to pitch in, this website ( is where to find out how.

  • Where to drop off donations
  • What kind of donations and assistance is needed
  • How you can volunteer
  • What to do in your own community or place of business.
  • Updates on civil society calls to government

As relief efforts build, our needs change fast. Please check in regularly for updates.

Call TAC on 021 422 1490 / 084 542 6322.

These numbers are for use both if you would like to provide assistance, or if you know of a particular emergency that demands assistance.

You can donate in kind, or make direct deposits or credit card donations.


your amazing work

am so greatful for all that yr doing
thank you thank you thank you!
have put yr contact details on my blog
i hope that i'm helping to inform people
about what is/has been going on and how we can help
all the best to you all

A prayer for those who are suffering today

Imagine peace love and compassion Imagine a new South Africa for all
IsiZulu (Zulu) - Cabanga ngokuthula, uthando nozwelo Cabanga iNingizimu Afrika kaWONKEWONKE
IsiNdebele (Ndebele) - Qabanga ngokuthula, ithando nezwelobuhlungu Qabanga iSewula Afrika etjha yakawowoke
IsiXhosa (Xhosa) - Khawufan' ucnge uthando uxolo nemfesane Khawufan' ucinge uMzantsi Afrika omtsha wethu SONKE
Sepedi  - Nagana ka khutšo, lerato le kwelobohloko Nagana ka Afrika Borwa ye mpsha ya BOHLE
Sesotho - Nahana ka kgotso lerato le kutlwelobohloko Nahana ka Afrika Borwa e ntjha ya BOHLE
Setswana (Tswana) - Akanya ka kagiso, lerato le go utlwelana botlhoko Akanya ka Aforika Borwa e ntšhwa ya Botlhe
Afrikaans S - tel jou vrede, liefde en deernis voor Stel jou ’n nuwe Suid-Afrika vir ALMAL voor
Tshivenda (Venda) - Humbulani mulalo, lufuno na mavhuvhu Humbulani nga ha Afurika Tshipembe liswa la VHOTHE
Xitsonga (Tsonga) -Ehleketa hi ku rhula rirhandzu na ntwelavusiwana
Siswati- Cabanga kuthula lutsandvo nesihawu Cabanga ngeNingizimu Afrika lensha yaboBONKHE
Swahili- Fikiria amani, upendo, na huruma Fikiria Afrika Kusini mpya kwa WOTE
Somali- Sawiro nabad-gelyo jacayl iyo naxariisnimo Sawiro Koofur Afrikada cusub oo dhamaan dadku kuwada noolyihiin
Shona- Chimbofunga rugare, rudo uye kunzwa tsitsi Chimbofunga South Africa itsva yemunhu wese
Ndebele (Zim) - Khumbula ukhuthula, uthando nozwelo Abantu bonke bafanele bahlale ngokuthula nangothando nozwelo.`(
Yoruba - Se isipaya lori alafia, ife ati anu Se isipaya Ile South Africa titun fun gbogbo eni
Venda - Humbulani nga ha mulalo, lufuno na mavhuvhu (u pfela vhuṱungu)  Humbulani nga ha Afurika Tshipembe ḽiswa ḽa VHOṰHE
Igbo- Chekene maka inwe udo, ihunanya na obi ebere Chekene maka mba South Africa bu maka onye obula
Portuguese - Imagine paz, amor e compaixão Idealize uma nova África do Sul para todos
French - Imaginez la paix, l'amour et la compassion Imaginez une nouvelle Afrique du Sud pour tous.
Kyaruandan - Mutekereze urukundo rw'amahoro n'impuhwe Mutekereze Afurika y'Epfo nshya ibanamo n'ABANTU BOSE
German - Stell dir Frieden, Liebe und Mitgefühl vor Stell dir ein neues Südafrika für ALLE vor
Simplified Chinese 崇尚和平、关爱和互助 崇尚一个崭新的和谐南非
Translations sponsored by translators.