4 August 2005 - TAC Electronic Newsletter
- Access to treatment breakthrough in Queenstown
- Memorial service for Ronald Louw: University Kwazulu-Natal (Durban campus), 5 August, 15:30
- Launch of Ronald Louw Get Tested campaign
- Generous response to seven-year-old Pretty's story about her struggle for access to treatment
- AIDS Law Project (ALP)/TAC submission to Parliament on amendments to Patent Act
- Community story: Training nurses in Mpumalanga - by Sydney Masinga
TAC Newsletter

3 August 2005 - Matthias Rath and TAC's efforts to stop his harmful activitiesDocuments relating to TAC's defamation case against Rath and TAC's efforts to stop Rath's illegal medical practices and unethical treatment of patients.
25 July 2005 - TAC Electronic Newsletter
- March to Frontier Hospital in Queenstown on 26 July 2005 to demand treatment and end to police brutality
- UNAIDS statement condemning police brutality against TAC demonstrators
- List of organisations that condemned attack by police on TAC members in Queenstown on 12 July 2005
- Seven-year-old, Pretty, waits for antiretrovirals as her health deteriorates.
TAC Newsletter

25 July 2005 - New Treatment Literacy Posters
New Treatment Literacy HIV/AIDS educational posters are available on the TAC website. Poster topics include blood tests, side effects, sexual health, Immune Reconstitution Syndrome (IRS), and the HIV/AIDS Treatment Plan.
You can access them through the Treatment Literacy page.

14 July 2005 - TAC Electronic Newsletter
- Zackie Achmat’s Statement Regarding Ronald Louw’s Death
- A community story by Skhumbule Hambani
- Fact Sheet: Latest News on Matthias Rath
- TAC Letter of Support for Amnesty International – Zimbabwe Campaign
TAC Newsletter

13 July 2005 - Forty Injured, Ten Shot at Peaceful Protest to Demand Treatment
Press Conference Statement on 13 July 2005
Video clips of the police brutality:
Note: Watch ETV News tonight (13/7/2005) at 7 for television coverage. SABC News chose not to cover this event, or the TAC press conference

30 June 2005 - TAC Electronic Newsletter
- Joint Statement of the SACP and COSATU in Khayelitsha on the Dr. Rath Health Foundation
- Community story by Busisiwe and Themba Radebe as told to Lerato Maloka
- TAC 3rd National Congress, 2005 -- "Build Women and PLWA Leadership for a People's Health Service"
TAC Newsletter

21 June 2005 - Poverty of AIDS denialist arguments demonstrated in debate on Tim Modise show.
See the transcript of a debate between TAC's Nathan Geffen and Anthony Brink of the Rath Foundation.

9 June 2005 - TAC Electronic Newsletter
- TB and HIV: A policy paper of TAC
- Second TAC/Aids Law Project (ALP) report on the state of rollout
TAC Newsletter

7 June 2005 - TAC Electronic Newsletter
- MSF/TAC Building a Better Public Health Care Service for All conference in Durban
- Why Does TAC say Treat 200,000 by 2006
- Sowetan prints apology to TAC
- Community Story by Sibongile Mashele
TAC Newsletter

19 May 2005 - TAC Electronic NewsletterContents:
- TAC, Aids Law Project (ALP), and South African HIV Clinicians Society successfully campaign for price reduction of amphotericin B
- Upcoming march for health in Limpopo Province
- Community Stories by Themba Maphumulo and Joel Ntimbani
- TAC informs Minister of Health that it will litigate against her
TAC Newsletter

11 May 2005 - TAC Electronic NewsletterContents:
- Community Story: "My right to have a child" as told to Skhumbule Hambani by Gugu Dubazana
- Important Upcoming TAC Events
TAC Electronic Newsletter

26 April 2005 - TAC Electronic NewsletterContents:
- TAC/AIDS Law Project (ALP) statement on World Health Organisation (WHO) Consultation on Nutrition and HIV/AIDS in Africa
- Community story by Thabisile Dlamini
- Brief Note on Rath interdict: The court case set for 26 April 2005 to interdict Matthias Rath and his foundation from defaming TAC seems likely to be delayed through events beyond the control of TAC. Rath's advocate has asked the Judge President of the Cape High Court to appoint two judges to hear the case. The Judge President said that if he decided to appoint more than one judge, he would appoint three rather than two. The practice in Cape Town is that three-judge courts sit only on Fridays. The Judge President has still to inform us of his decision. If he decides to appoint more than one judge, it is very unlikely that the case will be heard on 26 April, as we had hoped. Furthermore, the Traditional Healers' Organisation have indicated that they are considering applying to intervene in this case on the side of Rath. This too may lead to a delay. These two factors mean that we do not yet know on what date the case will take place but we are doing all we can to speed up the hearing of the application, which was made on an urgent basis.
TAC Electronic Newsletter

25 April 2005 - Equal Treatment May 2005 is outElectronic copy of Equal Treatment (PDF file)...
- Focus on traditional healers
- The priest who would not talk about HIV
- Community stories
- Blow to access to affordable medicine.
- Our rights in our courts
For a copy of Equal Treatment, contact your nearest TAC provincial office or call Faniswa at the TAC National Office on 021 7883507 to have a copy posted to you.

19 April 2005 - TAC Briefing: The harmful activities of Matthias RathContents:
Full reports in TAC Newsletter 19 April 2005
19 April 2005 - Defend the right to privacy. Justice for three women with HIV/AIDSContents:
- TAC statement on Patricia De Lille/Charlene Smith court case
- Community story: On the march for health delivery in Wallacedene informal settlement
Full report.....

11 April 2005 - HIVNET 012 trial has been validatedThe scientific results and ethical conduct of the HIVNET 012 trial has been validated by an independent analysis of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies.
Read their press statement...

4 April 2005 - TAC News ServiceContents:
Mass meeting of TAC Western Cape members resolves to encourage people to get treated and to stop charlatans like Matthias Rath. TAC is encouraged by efforts of Deputy-Minister of Health Madlala-Routledge.
New regular feature: A community story as told by TAC members. In today's story, Zanele Mncube tells about the health-care problems faced in Mpophomeni Kwazulu-Natal and what is being done by the community to improve things.

1 April 2005 - TAC News ServiceUnited Nations and Western Cape government release statements condemning misinformation on antiretrovirals.
United Nations condemns irresponsible attack on antiretroviral therapy
Western Cape government affirms success of antiretroviral treatment - condemns misinformation.

23 March 2005 - TAC Electronic NewsletterContents:
TAC chairperson, Zackie Achmat, is recovering well from a heart attack
Help campaign for the Indian patent bill to be revised.
Support the Save Jobs Coalition; stop Rex Trueform from retrenching 1000 workers.

23 March 2005 - TAC Electronic NewsletterContents:
Yesterday the Indian Lower House of Parliament approved a new bill that will make it more difficult to access affordable generics.
South African Medical Association condemns Matthias Rath.
Southern African HIV Clinicians Society condemns Matthias Rath.

14 March 2005 - TAC Electronic NewsletterContents:
- Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa orders Matthias Rath to withdraw his adverts
- Rath's campaign undermines Government policy, causes public confusion and endangers lives.
- Litigation against The Sowetan
- TAC calls on the South African government to issue an unequivocal condemnation of Rath
- TAC calls on the Medicines Control Council to take action against Rath immediately.
TAC Newsletter 14 March 2005
ASASA ruling.
Article by COSATU's Neva Makgetla in Business Day, 11 March 2005, calling for an end to denialism.
The Price of Denial by Mark Heywood (a history of political denial about the HIV epidemic)

10 March 2005 - State of the ARV Rollout
Government has supplied the number of patients receiving ART through Dec. 2004 / Jan. 2005.
ARV Statistics

10 March 2005 - Resolutions of NEC Meeting, 24-25 January 2005.Some of the resolutions which were agreed upon:
- Access to Antiretroviral treatment and the implementation of the National Treatment Plan
- Access to affordable medicines
- HIV Prevention, Youth mobilization and HIV Testing
- The NEC discussed the defamatory attack on TAC by ANC Weekly in December 2004.
- Basic Income Grant campaign
- TAC Provincial Work
Full report of the resolutions of NEC Meeting, 24-25 January 2005

1 March 2005 - Medicine Pricing Regulations Court Case - New documents postedPapers filed yesterday in the TAC application to be admitted as amicus curiae (friend of the court) in the medicine pricing regulations case at the Constitutional Court.
Medicine Pricing Regulations Court Case Documents

23 February 2005 - Joint COSATU and TAC statement on failure of government to spend SA National AIDS Trust moneySA National AIDS Council is failing to build a genuine partnership against HIV/AIDS
Joint Statement...

21 February 2005 - The Price of Denial by Mark HeywoodTAC treasurer, Mark Heywood, has written a short history of the effects of political denial on the HIV epidemic in South Africa. This was published in Development Update.
( The Price of Denial - MSWord document)

21 February 2005 - TAC Electronic NewsletterContents:
Statistics South Africa mortality report confirms massive increase in deaths due to AIDS.
Thousands march to parliament demanding that government treat 200 000 by 2006
Statement by Rural Doctors Association of South Africa in support of antiretroviral rollout in rural areas

10 February 2005 - Treat 200 000 by 2006Treat 200,000 by 2006 - TAC's Key Campaigns for 2005. On 16 February, TAC will march to Parliament demanding that 200,000 people be put on treatment by the beginning of 2006. The march starts at 11am at Keizersgraght Street in Cape Town. This article describes TAC's plans for 2005. We appeal to everyone to join our march and we urge President Mbeki to give serious attention to HIV in his State of the Nation speech tomorrow.
Levis Rage for Revolution concert will raise money for the TAC Treatment Project. All money given to TAC will be used to pay for antiretroviral treatment for people. It takes place on Saturday 12 February from 14:30 till late at the Castle in Cape Town. Tickets can be purchased at Levis Stores, through Computicket or at the gate and are R50 (R60 through Computicket).
Law and Freedom is a new two-part television series by Zackie Achmat that explores key human rights cases in South Africa. The series will be broadcast on SABC 1 on Monday 14 and 21 February at 22:00. It examines pass laws, death penalty, housing, pensions and prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV court cases.
SACC Statement on Condoms. SACC General-Secretary, Rev. Molefe Tsele, says condoms are essential to anti-AIDS campaign..

31 January 2005 - TAC electronic newsletterCalculation of mortality in South Africa confirms massive increase in AIDS deaths
Minister of Health and the Pharmacists - An Updated Fact Sheet on the Medicines Act and the Pricing Regulations

28 January 2005 - New TAC Constitution adoptedTAC members vote by a large majority to adopt the amended TAC Constitution.
Adopted TAC Constitution with amendments that were approved

24 January 2005 - TAC electronic newsletterFDA advisory which clarifies the safety, efficacy and appropriate use of nevirapine, 20 January 2005
Report and resolutions of meeting of Joint Civil Society Monitoring Forum, Bloemfontein, 19 November 2004. (MSWord Document)

17 January 2005 - TAC Responds to ANC Today
ANC Today Article is Inaccurate and Contradicts ANC and Government Policy
TAC response to ANC Today article that potentially undermines government's mother-to-child transmission prevention programme and attacks the TAC
Letter from TAC to ANC
ANC Today article of 17 December 2004 undermining government's mother-to-child transmission prevention programme and attacks the TAC

10 January 2005 - TAC Expresses Condolences to the Mandela familyTAC Supports Madiba's call on people to volunteer to test for HIV and disclose HIV infection

15 December 2004
Single-Dose Nevirapine is safe and effective, but government should switch to more effective regimens wherever possible
- Khayelitsha district rally commemorates murder of Lorna Mlofana - calls for rape clinic in Khayelitsha with comprehensive services
- Analysis of yesterday's court judgment
- Letter to Advocate Patricia Lambert regarding allegations of censorship of HIV toolkit
- Response to Traditional Healers' Organisation memorandum
- Complaint submitted to the Advertising Standards Authority against advertisement placed in Mail & Guardian by Dr. Rath Foundation and Treatment Information Group
14 December 2004 - Complaint lodged with A.S.A. against advert by the Dr. Rath Foundation and the Treatment Information GroupVuyani Jacobs, on behalf of the TAC, has lodged a complaint with the Advertising Standards Authority against an advert placed in the Mail & Guardian by the Dr. Rath Foundation and the Treatment Information Group. The complaint is supported by the Rural Doctors Association of South Africa.
Details of complaint...

14 December 2004 - TAC Electronic newsletter
TAC awarded punitive costs in case against Minister of Health Judgment delivered in TAC v Minister of Health by A.J. Ranchod in the Pretoria High Court.
GSK grants license to Cipla in accordance with Competition Commission settlement

10 December 2004 - TAC Electronic newsletter
TAC Lusikisiki and student nurses demonstrate against unacceptable housing conditions of student nurses, who are expected to live in tents
TAC Gauteng members challenge Natalspruit Hospital CEO, who responds by suing the TAC for defamation
Provincial health summits held in Gauteng, Limpopo and Mpumalanga

10 December 2004 - TAC investigation into allegations against Natalspruit Hospital CEOReport by Daniel Browde and Gordon Mthembu

03 December 2004 - TAC Electronic newsletter
TAC condemns government/ANC verbal attacks on Archbishop Tutu and COSATU
Is Geoff Budlender still dangerous? Reprint of article that appeared in Business Day
Response to Department of Health statement blaming TAC for litigation costs
Life Offices Association concessions are insufficient: We reprint a Business Day editorial which explains why
Reprint of article from The Star focussing on TAC NEC member, Gordon Mthembu, and how treatment has returned him to health 
23 November 2004 - Traditional Healers' Organisation's/Rath Foundation demonstrations against the TAC.TAC statement on THO March to TAC offices
TAC exposes profiteer Matthias Rath
Minister of Health blocks the Medicines Control Council from litigating against Matthias Rath
Text extracts of THO/Rath statements defaming the TAC

19 November 2004 - TAC Electronic Newsletter - Letter to MSD, John Foster Speech, Public Protector & Anita Allen, WHO Technical Committee on HIV/AIDSTAC Newsletter

16 November 2004 - Zackie Achmat delivered the 2004 John Foster Lecture in London on Wednesday 10 NovemberLecture

15 November 2004 - The Public Protector has dismissed a complaint against the rollout of antiretroviral treatment from HIV denialist Anita Allen.Public Protector Report Cover
Public Protector Report

4 November 2004 - Memorandum to Minister of Health and all provincial MECs for healthIn the next few days TAC members in Katlehong will bury Zandile Mazwani, a young woman of 33 from Gauteng. Zandile set an example to others by living openly with HIV.... Full Memorandum

3 November 2004 - The TAC is taking the South African Minister of Health to Court on 4 November 2004
Details of Country-Wide Demonstrations on 4 November 2004
- Cape Town: Meet at Keizersgragt Street at 11am for a march to Parliament
- Pretoria: Meet at Church Square, Pretoria at 9am for a march to the Pretoria High Court
- Bisho: Meet at the Bisho Legislature at 11am
- Pietermaritzburg: Meet at Market Square at 10am
- Polokwane: Meet at Department of Health at 10am
- Nelspruit: Meet at Government Complex, Riverside Mall at 10am
Why the TAC is going to Court on 4 November 2004

24 October 2004 - TAC correction to misleading Department of Health Statement
Please note that TAC has not withdrawn its legal action or its claim that the Ministry of Health has a legal duty to have an implementation plan and to make it publicly available. TAC Statement on the misleading D.O.H. statement
TAC Pamphlet Explaining 4 November Action
Misleading D.O.H. statement
Actual Court Papers

21 October 2004 - After a long break, we have started publishing the TAC newsletter, Equal Treatment. October 2004 (1.6MB, zipped file containing 4 PDF files)Equal Treatment

20 October 2004 - TAC Statement and Newsletter on Auditor-General's Qualified Audit Opinion of the Department of Health
TAC Statement:
- Detailed TAC Statement
- "AIDS body in deep financial trouble" by Lucky Mazibuko (Reprinted from The Sowetan, 12 October 2004)
- "Scandalous Shenanigans" by Lucky Mazibuko (Reprinted from The Sowetan, 12 October 2004)

19 October 2004 - The TAC is campaigning for the Minister of Health to release the implementation plan of the antiretroviral rollout, including sites, dates and targets.Access to Information Court Case

4 October 2004 - TAC and ODAC publish and distribute Right to Know pamphlet explaining why the TAC is taking the Minister of Health to court on 2 NovemberPage 1