17 December 2002
TAC launches urgent contempt of court application against Mpumalanga health MEC
13 December 2002
A message of thanks at the end of the year from the TAC secretariat. A short SAPA report on Nelson Mandela's visit to the Site C HIV clinic in Khayelitsha yesterday.
9 December 2002
TAC lodges complaint with Human Rights Commission and calls for investigation in to contempt of court by Mpumalanga MEC for Health
4 December 2002
Competition Commission calls for submissions on excessive pricing
3 December 2002
TAC condemns delays by government and business at NEDLAC
2 December 2002
27 November 2002
Manana must be dismissed, World AIDS Day, Nelson Mandela Foundation Antiretroviral Meeting
20 November 2002
Memorandum handed to GlaxoSmithKline representatives.
6 November 2002
The way forward to an HIV/AIDS Treatment Plan
2 November 2002
TAC calls for march to Parliament on 14 February to call for an HIV/AIDS treatment plan
( Text File )
31 October 2002
Update on NEDLAC Process, Merck Raises Prices of Efavirenz.
29 October 2002
26 September 2002
21 October 2002
Treatment Plan, Competition Commission, Coca-Cola, Response to David Patient and more
16 October 2002
Statement on the Meeting between Deputy President Zuma and TAC
9 October 2002
Memorandum to the President of the United States of America
7 October 2002
Memorandum to SANAC Calling for the Transformation of SANAC and a National Treatment Plan.
30 September 2002
Why the TAC is Supporting the COSATU Anti-Privatisation Strike
26 September 2002
New Research Shows Need For A Comprehensive Treatment And Prevention Plan
19 September 2002
- TAC, COSATU and 9 Others Lodge Complaint With Competition Commission (Webpage)
3 September 2002
Human chain for a basic income grant.
26 August 2002
AIDS activists from 21 african countries launch pan-african HIV/AIDs treatment access movement
25 August 2002
Pan-African HIV/AIDS Treatment Access Movement: Declaration of action
25 August 2002
20 August 2002
Price Breakthrough: Toga Laboratories substantially reduces cost of HIV monitoring tests.
8 August 2002
Community Day of Action: List of Events.
6 August 2002
COSATU/TAC Treatment Congress Report and Resolutions Tabled at NEDLAC/Anglo Statement.
5 August 2002
Transcript of an interview by the Registrar of Medicines (a position with the Medicines Control Council) on SAFM this morning.
1 August 2002
Urgent joint statement on Global Fund allocation to Kwazulu-Natal
17 July 2002 II
What is Happening to KZN's Global Fund Money?
17 July 2002
Call for a national day of community action - 8 August 2002 Treat HIV/Aids / promote openness / prevent new infections
5 July 2002
The Constitutional Court ruled in favour of the Treatment Action Campaign in the mother-to-child transmission prevention (MTCTP) of HIV case.
29 June 2002
Consensus Statement of National HIV/AIDS Treatment Congress
25 June 2002
Agenda and Statement on the COSATU/TAC National HIV/AIDS Treatment Congress
13 June 2002
Comment by the Treatment Action Campaign on the 12th National Antenatal Survey
7 June 2002
TAC Statement on Medical Schemes Research Conducted by TAC and CARE.
5 June 2002
Zimbabwe declares emergency to use generic antiretrovirals - TAC welcomes step but urges democratic accountability and return to rule of law
31 May 2002
National HIV/AIDS Treatment Congress, 27-29 June 2002. Hosted by TAC and Cosatu.
2 May 2002
Countrywide Rallies for Human Rights. Constitutional Court Hears case on Mother-to-Child Transmission Prevention. 25 April 2002
- March for Constitutional Rights - Fight HIV/AIDS and Poverty - 2 May 2002
- Johannesburg:
March Commences at Library Gardens at 11am
Contact: Pholokgolo, Lefa, Thembani or Nomsa -- 011 403 7021
- East London:
Meet at North End Stadium (events from 10am to 1pm)
March to City Hall (1-4pm)
Contact: Ivy or Portia at 043 760 0050
- Cape Town:
1 May - Night Vigil (8-12pm), St Georges Cathedral
2 May - Rally at St Georges Cathedral (10am-12:30pm), March from 12:30-3pm
Contact: Mandla, Thembeka, Nomfundo or Nondumiso at 021 364 5489 or 021 364 9514
- Durban:
Interfaith Service, University of Durban Westville, 12:30-2pm
Contact: Sizwe, Dee, Thabo or Desmond: 031 304 3673
22 April 2002
National Day of Action -- 2 May 2002. March for Constitutional Rights -- Fight HIV/AIDS and poverty.
18 April 2002
TAC Welcomes Cabinet Statement on HIV/AIDS
17 April 2002
The South African Cabinet has announced -- to be confirmed -- that rape survivors will be able to access antiretrovirals for post-exposure prophylaxis
14 April 2002
Denying AIDS "is a profound insult to those" living with HIV - Judge Edwin Cameron.
10 April 2002
- A statement by Africa Action, TransAfrica and actor/activist Danny Glover calling on the South African Government to change its approach to HIV/AIDS.
- A letter from TAC to doctors and hospital superintendants with an explanation of the constitutional court case decision and a request to apply for Nevirapine where capacity exists.
- An example of a letter that hospital superintendants can use to write to local provincial departments of health, asking for Nevirapine.
4 April 2002
Constitutional Court denies Government's appeal against Pretoria High Court's execution order
24 March 2002
Five Critical Statements on the Safety and Efficacy of Nevirapine for Mother-to-Child Transmission Prevention.
22 March 2002
Government Creating Smokescreens and Red Herrings Over Nevirapine
18 March 2002
MTCT Court case timetable
11 March 2002
- Judge grants TAC interim relief. State must provide nevirapine to doctors in public sector who prescribe it after voluntary counseling and testing has been offered. This is an interim measure while the case goes to the Constitutional Court.
(Summary of Judgement) (Rich Text Document) (Text Document)
28 February 2002
Demonstration and new court hearing on access to Nevirapine
27 February 2002
TAC Statement on HST Report
22 February 2002
Basic Income Grant
12 February 2002
Defamatory statements attributed to Smuts Ngonyama
06 February 2002
HPCSA workshop legitimises AIDS denialists == Insults people with AIDS
30 January 2002
29 January 2002
- TAC and MSF import generic antiretrovirals from Brazil in defiance of patent abuse (press statement) (Q&A) (29 January 2002)
24 January 2002